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Showing posts from May, 2020


ELECTRIC CIRCUIT ➢ STATES OF ELECTRIC CIRCUIT  • There are three states  1. Open circuit • In circuit, the switch is open. • An open circuit is one where the continuity has been broken by an interruption in the path for current to flow. 2. Closed circuit • In circuit, a switch is closed. • open circuit is a circuit which has no complete path to pass the current through. 3. Short circuit • A short circuit is simply a low resistance connection  between the two conductors supplying electrical  power to any circuit. • A short circuit is where the voltage tends to zero  and current tends to infinity. ➢ SERIES CONNECTION OF RESISTORS • When the resistors are connected end to end, so that they from only one path for the flow of current, then resistors are said to be connected in series and such circuits are known as series circuits. V = V1+ V2+ V3 I R = I R1 + I R2 +I R3 I R= I ( R1 + R2 + R3) R = R1 + R2...


BASIC CONCEPTS OF D.C.CIRCUITS ➢ ELECTRIC CHARGE • Amount of current flowing in a conductor is measured in electric charge.  • Two different kinds of charge, positive and negative. • It’s denoted by Q or q. • Electric charge is measured in Columb (c). ➢ VOLTAGE • We defined voltage as the amount of potential energy between two points on  a circuit. • One point has more charge than another. • This difference in charge between the two points is called voltage.  • It is measured in volts. ➢ ELECTRIC CURRENT • The controlled movement of electrons through a substances is called the electric current. • It is also defined as the time rate of net motion of an electric charge across  sectional boundary. I = 𝑄/t • Coulomb is the SI unit for measurement of electric charge.  (1 coulomb ≈ 624×1016) and time is measure in second. • Electric current measure in Ampere. ➢ EMF AND POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE • Electromotive force (emf) i...


INTRODUCTION OF HIGH VOLTAGE   INTRODUCTION The increasing need of transmitting greater and greater power day by day. Over a long distance has led continuous increase in transmission voltages.  High voltage = up to 300kv   Extra high voltage = 300-760kv   Ultra high voltage = above 760kv   Necessity (Advantages) of EHV Transmission Increase in transmission efficiency , reduction in conductor material and reduction in losses.   construction of S/S for huge power transmission is more economical. There generating stations are located in remote area due to it’s requirements. Therefore EHV transmission is essential for transmission of huge blocks of power over long distances from there power plants.   This is flexible or future system growth.   Without E.H.V. transmission practically it is not possible to interconnect more than one system .   Transmission capacity increases as power transferred is    ...

Nuclear power plant

Nuclear power plant  A generating station in which nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy is known  as a “Nuclear power station”. 1) Selection of site: ➢ Sufficient water should be available. ➢ Proper disposal of radio active waste must be done. ➢ Site should be away from populated area. 2) Schematic arrangement of Nuclear power station. 3) Main equipment: (i) nuclear reactor: It is an apparatus in which nuclear fuel (U235) is subjected to nuclear fission. Controls the chain reaction that starts once the fission is done. If the chain reaction is not controlled, the result will be an explosion due to the fast increase in energy released. • Reactors Reactor of nuclear power is similar to the furnace of a steam power plant . The heat liberated in the reactor due to nuclear fission of the fuel is taken up by the coolant circulating through the reactor core. The nuclear reactor mainly consist of fuel, core, moderator ...

Hydro Power Plant

HYDRO POWER PLANT A generating station which utilizes the potential energy of water at a high level for the generation of electrical energy is known as a “Hydroelectric power station”. 1) selection of site: ➢ Sufficient quantity of water at a reasonable head should be available. ➢ More area is required for reservoir and dam. ➢ It should allow strong foundation with low cost. ➢ There should be no leakage of water in future. ➢ Selected site should have large catchment area, to maintain a certain water level. ➢ Distance of power station site from load centre must not be longer. This is to minimize the transmission cost. ➢ Construction material shall be available very near. ➢ Submergency area should be minimum. 2) Schematic arrangement of Hydroelectric power station. (1) Hydraulic structure : (a) water reservoir : It’s purpose is to store water which may be utilized to run the prime mover to produce electrical power. (b) Dam : The function of dam is to prov...

Thermal power station

INTRODUCTION AND STEAM POWER STATION Definition :- "A generating station which converts heat energy of coal combustion into electrical energy is known as a steam power station." 1) Site selection: ➢ The site should be nearest to the coal mines to reduce transmission cost. ➢ Large quantity of cooling water should be available. ➢ Land should not be rocky and marshy. ➢ Chimney of the plant should not obstruct the flying aeroplanes. ➢ The site should not be surrounding by residential building. ➢ If the station is located near the load centre. The distribution cost reduces. ➢ Facility for disposal of ash. 2) Schematic arrangement of steam power station. 3) The main and auxiliary equipment in T.P.P. are (a) Coal and ash handling plant: ➢ Incoming coal is stored in the coal storage plant. The coal is delivered to the coal handing plant, where it is pulverized in order to increase it’s surface exposure. Thus promoting rapid combustion using large quantity ...